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2007 | Przedsiębiorstwo wobec wyzwań rynku : współczesne problemy ekonomiczne | 63-72
Tytuł artykułu

Rynek funduszy inwestycyjnych w Polsce - możliwości dla indywidualnego inwestora

Warianty tytułu
Investment Funds in Poland - Advantages for Individual Investors
Języki publikacji
Scharakteryzowano działalność funduszy inwestycyjnych, a także omówiono rodzaje funduszy inwestycyjnych w Polsce. Zwrócono uwagę również na rynek funduszy inwestycyjnych w Polsce w ujęciu historycznym.
Polish investment funds are gaining popularity on the basis of decreasing interests rates and the good situation on the Polish capital market. In a search for more profitable investments individuals decide to withdraw money from traditional savings accounts and to transfer it to the investment funds. Such behaviour influences market size. Five years ago only 3.37% of household assets were located in investment funds. In 2005 the number grew to 20%. The article shows the advantages investment funds give to individual clients - the flexibility, the access to the professional financial management, the decrease of investment risk and lower transaction costs. In the research the author identifies key-factors that have to be taken under consideration in a process of choosing a type of fund. The author also takes a closer look at the different groups of funds available on the Polish market. The author analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of each category and presents the updated financial outcomes, showing the best and the worst players in each category of funds. The article also presents new types of funds implemented to the Polish market. The new possibilities of investments have occurred as an answer to increasing demand and growing market awareness. Poland's accession to the European Union and the competition of foreign investment funds also have an influence on the shape of Polish market forcing a constant development. (original abstract)
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Typ dokumentu
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