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Market or Government in Banking - Ventral Banking vs. Free Banking
Języki publikacji
Jak wynika z przeprowadzonych rozważań, systemy wolnej bankowości były w swoim czasie dość powszechne. Wbrew obiegowej opinii stanowiły przy tym dość stabilne rozwiązania instytucjonalne. Wbudowane w nie były przy tym swoiste "bezpieczniki" sprzyjające ograniczaniu negatywnych zjawisk i tendencji w systemie pieniężnym. (fragment tekstu)
The two opposite attitudes may be identified, while discussing sources and consequence of the subprime crisis. According to the first one, problems arise due to market failures and insufficient surveillance on the financial markets. In the second, the main source of disturbances is excessive intervention and too much regulation in banking are-a. Appropriate choice among two strains is of high importance because it determines the choice of instruments, aimed at overcoming the crisis. It also influences thinking of a new financial architecture as being less prone to crises. In such context the alternative concepts of monetary and banking systems are considered. Special attention is paid to the so called free banking, which is perceived as an alternative to dominant in our times central banking systems. The aim of the paper is to describe main features of free banking, with special attention paid to its stability. In the first point, main justification of regulation in banking have been listed. The second point has included a short characteristics of free banking. The third one has described the functioning of free banking in some countries, mainly in Scotland. (orignial abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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