Warianty tytułu
Measurement and Stimulation of Effectiveness of Enterprises Activity under Condition of Economy Limited by Resources
Języki publikacji
W artykule omówiono pomiar i stymulowanie efektywności działania przedsiębiorstw, które mogą być rozpatrywane w warunkach rzeczywistości obiektywnej (gospodarki ograniczonej przez zasoby) oraz w warunkach gospodarki ograniczonej przez wielkość popytu.
Measurement and stimulation of effectiveness of enterprises' activity under the conditions of the economy limited by resources should be considered together with negative influences resulting from non-market allocation of resources. In consequence to obtain the desirable real effects of enterprises' activity that would mean more efficient management the Information base should be expanded by values so far disregarded. They should give information on the degree of intensity of production means shortages and other magnitudes which are their consequence considered in the context of the branch and the entire economy. Such an approach may consitute a basis of formulating regulations whose aim would be eliminating mistakes disproportions and hazards for the accomplishment of the tasks of enterprises accepting socially supported aims as priorities.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Akademia Ekonomiczna w Krakowie
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Typ dokumentu
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