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Foreign Direct Investments as a Form of Internationalization of An Enterprise in the Light of J. H. Dunning's Theory
Języki publikacji
W artykule omówiono formy internacjonalizacji przedsiębiorstwa, a następnie opisano zagadnienie bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych w świetle badań teoretycznych. Zaprezentowano motywy podejmowania bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych przez przedsiębiorstwa oraz fuzje i przejęcia w świetle paradygmatu OLI (Ownership + Location + Internalisation). (fragment tekstu)
Globalization and liberalization of the global economy give an increasing opportunity for domestic firms to internationalize their operation. There are several different ways of entering the foreign market, from export to direct investments. According to the J. H. Dunning's eclectic theory of international production, which is widely accepted as the best theoretical explanation of foreign direct investments (FDI), a firm only makes direct investments when three conditions are simultaneously fulfilled. These are ownership advantages, location advantages and internalization advantages. The article seeks to explain, on the theoretical basis, the necessary conditions for the firm to undertake FDI, as well as the ability of eclectic theory to explain different motivations of foreign investors: "market seeking", "source seeking", "efficiency seeking" and "strategic asset seeking". The last part gives a general idea of the OLI paradigm's ability to explain the FDI made via mergers and acquisitions. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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