Warianty tytułu
Crises in a Growth Phase as a Determinant of a Business Lifecycle
Języki publikacji
W artykule rozważano problem, na ile przebieg fazy wzrostu wraz z towarzyszącymi jej kryzysami jest determinantą długości cyklu życia przedsiębiorstwa. (fragment tekstu)
The article discusses the following problem: to what extent the growth phase along with the accompanying crises is a determinant to the duration of a business lifecycle. The study was based on a model of organization growth presented by L.E. Greiner, a model of organization lifecycle and practical observations. Overcoming successive types of crises arising in the growth phase in L.E. Greiner's concept contributes to extending the growth phase and thus to extent the organization lifecycle. A question arises what happens to the organization if it is not able to or not interested in overcoming the crises arising in the growth phase and how it affects the organization lifecycle. L.E. Greiner's model of organization growth shows that passing through consecutive revolutionary changes, that is related to overcoming crises that arise, potentially helps to extend the growth phase in the lifecycle; on the other hand, if a crise is not overcome, the lifecycle may be shortened. One could expect that efforts to overcome all types of crises arising during the growth phase will guarantee functioning of a business in the future, extending its lifecycle. However, the long-term observations of economic practice by the author generate the following conclusions: the organization does not have to pass through all kinds of crises during its growth phase in order to reach subsequent phases in its lifecycle,the organization does not have to stick to the sequence of crises and ways to overcome them, as presented in L.E. Greiner's model,overcoming all types of crises during the growth phase does not guarantee that the enterprise will function in the future, i.e. an appropriately extended lifecycle. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu, doktorant
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