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2005 | nr 52 | 272-301
Tytuł artykułu

Perspektywy rozwoju w Polsce funduszy inwestycyjnych otwartych lokujących w nieruchomości

Warianty tytułu
Perspectives of Developing Open-Ended Investment Funds Investing in Real Estate
Języki publikacji
Opracowanie stanowi próbę oceny perspektyw, jakie rysują się przed funduszami inwestycyjnymi typu otwartego, których przedmiotem lokat są nieruchomości. (fragment tekstu)
The real estate market is atypical and not easy to define. The market is heterogeneous - the subject of the deals (the ownership of the real estate) is highly individualized and its price depends on the number of factors including the location of the property, its construction, legal and psychical condition etc. The essay concentrates on the Polish real estate market and its implications for development of investment funds that allocate its assets in property. The international investment has been less common for real estate than for securities. Not only the international investors incur various costs (withholding tax) and encounter specific barriers (information-gathering costs), are unfamiliar with local market conditions and conventions, but also are exposed to risk of exchange rates, due to the local currency fluctuations. Not withstanding above-mentioned conditions, the institutional investors are active on the Polish real estate market. The demand may also be determined by the Polish individuals, pension funds and insurance companies. In the current conditions one could hardly expect open - ended investment funds that invest in real property. The main obstacle is the lack of relevant legal regulations - Polish Investment Funds Act allows to create specialized closed - ended investment funds that are permitted to invest directly in property. Under the current regulations, it is possible to create open - ended investment fund that would invest indirectly in real estate. Other limitations of future growth of the property funds industry are the lack of investors trust in these products and the lack of securities issued by the property sector (both equity and debt) and the construction of open - ended funds that allows the participation unit' holders to order the fund to redeem the units at any time. This may impose the open - ended funds that allocate their assets in real estate to maintain a high share of liquid instruments. That may impact the investment return rate (original abstract)
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