nr 61 Wybrane problemy regionalnej polityki zrównoważonego rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego
Tytuł artykułu
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Role of the State in Creating Competition in the Economic Infrastructure Sectors
Języki publikacji
Przyczyn szczególnej aktywności państwa można więc upatrywać głównie w takich zjawiskach, jak występowanie w gospodarce znacznych efektów zewnętrznych, dóbr publicznych, monopolu naturalnego, dóbr szczególnie cennych oraz istotnej asymetrii informacji pomiędzy dostawcami i odbiorcami usług infrastrukturalnych.(fragment teksu)
One important determinant or the speed and success or transition will be the efficiency of transformation and development of the infrastructure sectors. A great deal of attention has been paid to the issues such as privatization, restructuring, user prices, and terms of access in these sectors. Following emerging world wide trends in liberalization of the network-based infrastructure sectors like telecommunicatiolls, gas, electricity, and railway the government assumed that the introduction of market mechanisms was the only way to achieve transronnation of this seetor These strategic objectives include: improvement ar supply security, reduction of costs of energy generation and supply, and improvement of competitiveness in the energy sector. The major conclusion from the analysis is that the course and effects of liberalisation process are determined by regulatory state actions where the main objective is to create, protect and develop competition. The process of liberalisation or infrastructural sectors and development or compctitive markets of electricity, gas and telecommunication in countries or the European Union has not been completed yet. In practice, the developing European market is still not fully integrated. It is characterised by functioning of the various domestic regulation systems interrelated by common rules resulting from the EU directives. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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