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The Influence of Polyphenols on Quality and Healthy Promoting Prosperities of Fruit Jouces
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Związki polifenolowe są szeroko rozpowszechnione w świecie roślinnym. Występują w różnych częściach roślin: owocach, kwiatach, liściach, nasionach, korzeniach i korze. Bogatym źródłem polifenoli są rośliny przyprawowe, ziarna zbóż, nasiona roślin strączkowych i oleistych, ziemniaki, ziarno kawy, liście herbaty, wina, owoce i warzywa oraz ich przetwory. Dotychczas zidentyfikowano ponad 8000 związków chemicznych o charakterze polifenolowym. (fragment tekstu)
Many epidemiological studies have confirmed efficiency of polyphenol-rich foods in prevention of the processes of aging and emergence of many civilization diseases. Advantageous role of this compounds in a defensive mechanism of the organism against diseases evoked by oxidizing stress has been ascribed to the antioxidant properties. The role of polyphenol in juices does not come down strictly to antioxidant action. The presence of this compound in juices forms some of their sensory characteristics, like: color, flavor or smell. However, during storage, in relation to polimerization or reactions with other components of juices, polyphenols can cause turbidity. They are also precursors of associations deteriorating flavor and odor attributes. This paper compares data regarding occurrence of phenolic compound in juices and discusses the influence of polyphenols on antioxidant properties and sensory quality of fruit juices. (original abstract)
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- Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
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