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Wzrost zmienności kursów walutowych, wywołany przez bieżący kryzys ogólnoświatowy, oznacza wzrost ryzyka również w zakresie np. ubezpieczania transakcji międzynarodowych. Porównujemy zmienność kursów walutowych w ujęciu dziennym przed i w trakcie kryzysu. Sprawdzamy, w jakim stopniu zwiększona zmienność pogarsza dokładność prognoz kursów i zwrotów z kursów walutowych. Stosujemy modele ARMA i GARCH, a także ARMAX i GARCH ze zwrotami z indeksów giełdowych jako dodatkowymi zmiennymi objaśniającymi. Są one bowiem przyczynami w sensie Grangera dla zwrotów z kursów walutowych i rzeczywiście poprawiają jakość prognoz dla kursów walutowych. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The aim of this research was to check to what extent increase of risk and volatil- ity in. exchange rates, caused by the current crisis, influences ąuality of exchange rate forecasts. We compare performance of two typical models - ARMA/ARMAX and GARCH/GARCH with additional explanatory variables. The Granger-causality test shows that returns of stock indices Granger-cause exchange-rate returns, hence we check also whether stock indices used as additional variables could improve ąuality of forecasts, at least slightly. The results are the following: if we introduce stock returns as additional variables, this improves forecasts, especially for the GARCH model - MAPE is reduced by one third. We model USDPLN, EURUSD and EURPLN. Qualitative analysis shows huge increase iń exchange rate volatility, following sharp decline of stock indices due to the crisis. We model variance of exchange rates, measured as logarithm of proportions of maximum to minimum daily ąuotes, with ARMA and ARMAX models. We also apply ARMA/ARMAX models and GARCH-type models in more classical way, to logarithmic returns. Forecasts errors of the models are not as bad as we expected - exchange rate yolatility increased at least two-fold, in one case even six-fold due to the crisis, and forecast errors are around 20-30% - we could expect worse results. The positive result is that we can improve forecast ąuality even during the crisis by proper choice of additional explanatory variables. We can hope for futurę recovery of the Capital and financial markets and economies as a whole, as signaled e.g. by the OECD leading indicators (shown here for the Hungary, Poland, and the Euro area for sake of comparison). Hence in a while, the current crisis should turn to the end, and with stabilization of markets, econometric forecasting of exchange rate will become easier and more accurate. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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