Warianty tytułu
Supply of Labour Resources in Kraków Province
Języki publikacji
Omówiono podaż zasobów pracy w województwie krakowskim oraz określono dynamikę tej podaży w najbliższych latach. Zastosowano trzy różne metody.
The author has applied three different although mutually complimentary methods to estimate the size of labour resources in the Krakow Province in 1990 and worked out a forecast of the increase of labour resources for the 1991-2000 period. The investigations have demonstrated that in the coming decade one should expect a considerable - amounting to at least 20% - increase in the supply of labour in the province in guestion. The growth will be the result of various, numerous phenomena and processes among which the most important are an acceleration of the increase of the number of people in their working age, more efficient use of working time and growing willingness on the part of workers to take up additional paid jobs.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Akademia Ekonomiczna w Krakowie
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