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Monetary Policy of the European Central Bank in 1999-2011
Języki publikacji
Przeprowadzono analizę kanałów transmisji impulsów polityki pieniężnej Europejskiego Banku Centralnego do sfery realnej gospodarki w latach 1999-2011. Analizę poprzedzono przedstawieniem celu, strategii i instrumentów polityki pieniężnej tej instytucji.
This article provides an overview of the monetary policy of the European Central Bank (ECB) in the recent years. The author begins by introducing the objectives, powers, and strategy of the ECB's monetary policy. The next section discusses the transmission of monetary policy to the real economy through interest rates and credit channels. Next, monetary policy instruments used by the ECB are covered. The final section looks at the impact of the global financial crisis on the ECB's operations. Finally, conclusions are drawn from empirical data that are provided by the ECB and Eurostat. (original abstract)
- Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie
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