Tytuł artykułu
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The Unemployed Wage Expectations and Their Determinants - Empirical Analysis
Języki publikacji
P. Kubiak w swoim artykule podejmuje analizę oczekiwań płacowych bezrobotnych w Polsce oraz ich determinantów. W opracowaniu przedstawiono wyniki analiz ekonometrycznych w oparciu o dane pochodzące z BAEL-u.(fragment tekstu)
The main goal of the paper is to show, empirically, what is the minimum monthly gross salary that would encourage unemployed to take up employment and indicate some determinants of this. In particular we try to examine the impact of unemployment benefits on the level of threshold salary. The studies demonstrated that persons who receive benefits usually have higher salary expectations than the unemployed without the right to benefits. This may - on one hand - indicate that the benefit system puts a higher pressure on salary increases. On the other hand, this may also indicate that persons who receive benefits search for a "better" job. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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