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Neutral Inflation Hypothesis and Economic Growth Problems in the Eurozone Countries
Języki publikacji
W opracowaniu J. L. Bednarczyka przedstawione zostały teoretyczne i praktyczne aspekty polityki antyinflacyjnej na przykładzie krajów Eurolandu. Autor prezentuje również alternatywny model określania celu inflacyjnego przez EBC, oparty na koncepcji inflacji neutralnej (inflacji nie spowalniającej wzrostu gospodarczego). (fragment tekstu)
The aim of this paper is to answer the questions whether ECB shouldn't resign of rigid inflation controlling in favour of more flexible monetary policy, taking into account price specificity of Eurozone member countries; especially observed there historical interrelationships between inflation and economic growth. It seem, that thesis as if each level of inflation, higher then official ECB target, were dangerous for economy, is false. Typical for each country is probably different level of inflation, which can co-exist with higher level of economic growth. Instead of adhering to arbitrary established inflation target, ECB should focus in its policy rather on neutral rate of inflation (Non-Decelerating Economic Growth Rate of Inflation (NDEGRI) concept, more friendly for economic growth needs. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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