Warianty tytułu
The Idea of Supranationality
Języki publikacji
W artykule przedstawiono definicję terminu „ponadnarodowość” a następnie omówiono istotę ponadnarodowości organizacji międzynarodowych z punktu widzenia przedstawicieli nauki. Opisano również skutki oraz wpływ członkostwa państwa w organizacji ponadnarodowej.
The term supranationality has its origins in Nineteenth-century international law. The reality of this concept had been hidden in a somewhat enigmatic expression, but began to reveal itself after the Second World War. Having considered the number of opinions about the nature of Supranationality as well as the form of supranational organisations, it is necessary to examine its characteristic features in order to create a definition of the concept. First, there is the direct applicability of supranational organisational law. Direct applicability also means direct effectiveness, which allows all legal persons within a member state to enforce the supranational organisation's law within the administrative and judicial mechanisms of the member states. Second, there is a relationship between the law of the supranational organisation and that of the member states. The law of the former takes precedence over that of the member state and takes precedence ver national law where there is a conflict between the two. Third, there is the law-making process within the framework of the supranational organisation. Not all decisions require the full consensus of all member states. Fourth, some organs and institutions of supranational organisations are not bound by instructions from authorities within member states. Finally, the courts of the supranational organisation hold a special position, which at the will of the founder's member states hold a jurisdictional monopoly over the interpretation of community law, both primary and secondary. As a sovereign body, the state possesses full legal capacity, including the ability to conclude international treaties. This element alone permits the state to become party to any treaty. Every international organisation is created on the basis of an international treaty, which describes the terms of agreement between the parties and the aims, tasks, internal structure and range of competences, pro faro interno as well as pro faro externo. There is no difference in the case of supranational organisations. Membership is completely voluntary. Once created, the organisation's legal character is defined by the founding member states and subsequently accepted by new members. The members of the European Communities remain sovereign states and are treated as such by other legal persons and entities within international law. It remains possible for member states to withdraw from the European Community. Such a right comes from generally accepted principles of international law and although the founding treaties do not allow for this eventuality, it has no legal or practical effect. The decision by a state to withdraw would be indicative of its sovereignty, as would be a consensus for dissolution of the organisation. In summary then, a state's membership in a supranational organisation has no influence on its sovereignty, nor does it reduce its legal capacity. The consequence of membership is a partial limitation of the exercise of its legal capacity within its domestic jurisdiction. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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