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Human Capital - a Presentation of Neoclassical Theory and the Austrian School
Języki publikacji
W niniejszej pracy autor chce poddać krytyce definicję kapitału ludzkiego sformułowaną na podstawie neoklasycznej myśli ekonomicznej i sformułować definicję kapitału ludzkiego, jaka wynika – jego zdaniem – z heterodoksyjnej myśli ekonomicznej prezentowanej przez szkołę austriacką oraz pokazać konsekwencje każdej z nich. (fragment tekstu)
The theory of human capital has its origin in the neoclassical school of economics and grew out of the search for new production factors that influence economic growth. However, this theory lacks a definition of human capital. Other individual theories focus in their definitions only on singular elements, the dominant one of which is knowledge gained in the widely understood educational process. These theories do not describe the structure of human capital either. Their structure of human capital has a homogeneous character. In the author’s opinion, reasons for that have their basis in the lack of unambiguous theory of capital and in the theoretical foundations of the main economic current as well as in methodology. The consequence of formulating the theory of human capital in this way is that numerous charges are levied against it and the postulates regarding economic policy in particular countries laid out by economists are very general. This formulation favours social engineering. The author is searching for an alternative definition in the Austrian School. Based on the school’s theory of human capital and referring to Hernando de Soto’ research, he defines human capital as a potential which is in both acquired and inborn human skills and is significant from the point of view of the given plan of one’s action. This potential becomes capital if it is defined and realised in a formal system of property. The definition has not only a praxeological character but also a personal one, which makes it a more robust description of reality than a definition of human capital elaborated on the grounds of the theory of the main current. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, doktorant
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