Warianty tytułu
Polish Maritime Policy during the Economic Transformation at the Turn of the Twentieth Century
Języki publikacji
W artykule przedstawiono proces kształtowania polskiej polityki morskiej na przełomie XX i XXI wieku. Omówiono uwarunkowania wykorzystania potencjału morskiego kraju oraz dostosowanie polskiej polityki morskiej do unijnych koncepcji rozwoju sieci transportowych. Opisano również kierunki przeobrażeń polskiej polityki morskiej w drugiej dekadzie XXI wieku.
The article discusses the process of shaping Polish maritime policy at the turn of the twentieth century. The author indicates the national and international conditions, among which can be differentiated the state's maritime potential, the consequences of participating in international groups, and especially the ability to adapt national and regional development plans to development strategies and the goals laid out by EU policy. In the conclusion the author states that Poland did not take advantage of the opportunities to develop that EU transport, maritime and regional policy created for the Polish economy and the Baltic sub-region. Poland's activity boiled down to the country having realised essential European projects (mainly from the European transport network) while entirely ignoring the opportunity to take advantage of other elements to transform its maritime economy and bolster the economy of its coastal regions. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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