Warianty tytułu
Public Transport in the Rural Peripheral Areas of Poland and Its Adjustment to the Needs of the Local Employment Markets
Języki publikacji
W artykule skupiono się na analizie stopnia zaspokojenia potrzeb transportowych pracowników dużych przedsiębiorstw zlokalizowanych w wiejskich obszarach peryferyjnych. Badania terenowe przeprowadzone na pięciu wybranych obszarach. Analizy rozkładów jazdy przewoźników obsługujących te tereny wskazują na niedostosowanie transportu publicznego do rzeczywistych potrzeb ludności. Brak połączeń komunikacyjnych pomiędzy zakładem pracy a miejscem zamieszkania znacznej grupy pracowników, brak lub niewystarczająca liczba połączeń w godzinach porannego i popołudniowego szczytu sprawiają, że podstawową rolę transportową spełniają tu środki komunikacji indywidualnej. Sytuacja ta wydaje się nieracjonalna ekonomicznie, zarówno z punktu widzenia samych mieszkańców, jak i firm transportowych, które nie dostrzegają wielu możliwości wkroczenia na rynki lokalne. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The article is focused on the analysis of the degree to which the public transport meets the needs of the employees of big companies which are located in the rural peripheral areas. The detailed objectives of the article, there are additionally considered: defining the meaning of big companies for the local/district employment markets, presenting the extent of the phenomena of commuting to work in the analyzed communes as well as pointing on the desirable directions of development in order to adjust the public transport so they meet the needs of the commuters. The analysis has been created on the basis of the researches carried out on location in five chosen towns and in the place of residence of big companies (Table 1). Moreover, there has been employed the information concerning the timetables of the transport companies operating in the given areas. In each of the analyzed cases, the range of the social influence of the company exceeds the area of a commune. It is connected with the necessity of commuting to work located in the neighboring areas. The location of a big workplace in the peripheral area challenges the public transport. There should be taken into consideration that the demand for the transport services will be in such a case higher than in the relative areas where no bigger company is located. On the basis of the researches which have been carried out, there need to be observed that the transport companies completely neglect the necessity of meeting the requirements of the increased transport services. It is unanticipated that there are situations when, despite every day shuttle migration of several dozen of people (for instance Morąg- Kiełkuty/ Klonowy Dwór), the transport companies do not take a decision to operate on such a route (Table 5). The other example of failing to satisfy the existing demand is insufflcient number of schedules on some routes, especially in the morning and afternoon rush hours (the example of such a problem Krotoszyn-Dobrzyca), which in reality prevents a few dozen of employees of the company from using the services of the given carrier (Table 6). Some reaction from the side of the employees to the fact that the public transport is not adjusted to the employees needs is to ensure their workers an employee transport, which is rather infrequent practice since it creates an additional cost for the employer. In the conditions of a free market, the existing demand for the transport services should be met by the carriers. The fact that if fails to happen proves that the necessity of this kind of service has not been recognized properly in some rural areas. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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