Warianty tytułu
Sociological Problems of City Management in Modern Poland
Języki publikacji
Miasto jest złożoną, wielowymiarową całością, obejmującą różne mniejsze grup i kręgi. Stanowi (przynajmniej do pewnego stopnia) wspólnotę kulturową, jednostkę samorządową, układ gospodarczy, jest zatem złożoną organizacją, trudną do ogarnięcia i zarządzania. Przedstawiono rozmaite wyzwania stojące przed menedżerami miejskimi, a także uwarunkowania realizacji pewnych założeń i celów zarządzania miastem.
A city is a social and geographical environment especially prone to conflicts and processes of social disorganisation, which is due to its salient characteristics, namely, the complexity and density of social relationships, the need for constant readjustment to new situations, and the weakening of traditional social control and its replacement by institutional control. A city is also an exceptionally complex, multidimensional entity comprising various smaller groups and circles. It is (at least to a certain extent) a cultural community, a local government authority, an economic structure, a kind of ecosystem etc., and therefore a complex organisation that is difficult to understand and manage. The key factors forming the context within which the modern city functions include: democratic changes, the emergence of civil society, economic transformation processes (especially privatisation and reprivatisation), the multiplicity of entities in the “struggle for space”, the transformation of social structures, and the transformation of the global context. All these factors impact on the effective management of a city. City management encompasses all the complex mechanisms, processes and institutions through which citizens, organisations and other communities can articulate their interests, negotiate their interests in relation to others, take advantage of their civic rights, remind others of those rights, and demand the observance of rules and principles. Two functions of city management, in particular, need to be stressed: ensuring access to goods and services and resolving disputes and conflicts. A prerequisite for effective management is not only the existence of appropriate power structures, but also the possession of and strengthening of city development resources, which include: material capital, cultural capital, social capital and, finally, human capital. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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