Warianty tytułu
Instruments of New Public Management
Języki publikacji
Ukazano próbę usystematyzowania przedmiotu nowego zarządzania publicznego. Przedstawiono 19 umownych kategorii instrumentów. W ramach każdej zaprezentowano instrumenty będące praktycznymi sposobami implementacji wartości nowego zarządzania publicznego.
In this article, the author identifies and classifies the instruments of new public management, which are defined as any method for realising in practice the value characteristic of new public management, in reference to both its political-systemic and organisational dimensions. The author prepared his classification of the instruments based on an analysis of four studies dealing in detail with the methods of implementing new public management reforms. The author devotes the main section of the article to describing the new management instruments, dividing them into 19 categories, namely: political decentralisation, separating policy and administration, privatisation, improving delivery of public services, customer orientation, result orientation, bringing about changes in organisational culture, rationalising organisational structures, planning and strategic management, managerial approach, decentralisation and flexible personnel management, changes in accounting and reporting principles, development of financial control and financial management methods, measurement of operations, democratisation, developing accountability mechanisms, promoting ethical behaviour, limiting the role of professional corporations, changing the rules for preparing and implementing the state budget and creating and executing laws, changing the principles for implementing public programmes (policies).(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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