Warianty tytułu
Reporting on Human Capital in Highly Developed Countries
Języki publikacji
Przeanalizowano sprawozdawczość kapitału ludzkiego w literaturze przedmiotu. Przedstawiono pomiar i wizualizację kapitału ludzkiego w krajach wysoko rozwiniętych.
The issue of reporting on human capital in an organization is presented in this article, with particular emphasis on stakehoiders as the finał recipients of information on the state of human capital. These stakeholders have been classified on three levels: societal, organizational, and individual. The main recipients of human capital reporting are: the government, trades unions, investors, managers, owners, shareholders and staff. In a subseąuent part of the article, the author presents the results of studies carried out in highly developed countries on the methods used to measure human capital at the microeconomic level and also the extent to which they are publicized outside the given organization. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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