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Motivation and Employee Satisfaction in Tourism
Języki publikacji
W ramach współpracy austriacko-polskiej przeprowadzono badania motywacji pracowników zatrudnionych w sektorze turystyki na podstawie teorii Self-determination (SDT), umożliwiającej zrozumienie motywacyjnych aspektów ludzkich zachowań. Celem tych badań było stwierdzenie związku pomiędzy otoczeniem społecznym wpływającym na motywacje pracownika a jego zadowoleniem z pracy.
The paper sheds more light upon the Self-Determination Theory (SDT). The theory was developed by Deci & Ryan [1985a; 1987] to understand motivational aspects of human behaviour. Based on three fundamental needs of autonomy, competence and social relatedness, the SDT theory postulates that employee satisfaction leads to a greater motivation which in turn has a positive impact on job satisfaction. To test these assumptions in an organisational context the SDT Model of Work Motivation was adapted to the tourism sector. The aim of the research was to prove a relationship between the social environment with autonomous motivation and employee satisfaction. To do so, a survey was conducted among tourism employees with the survey intention to query 600 randomly selected persons in three Austrian provinces. On the basis of the results the authors are able to state that autonomous motivation can be used as the starting point in facilitating job satisfaction of employees in tourism firms. In the services sector, increased motivation and employee satisfaction can be achieved by appropriate design of job content and context as well as adjustment of the leadership style. Satisfied workers are more efficient, and their work attitudes are positive. The work attitude of a service department employee has in turn a positive or negative impact on the client s perception of the service quality. Until today, the image of tourism as a job employer is weak amongst young people. Thus, further research should delve more into the motivation structure of employees and its changes during working life phases to clearly identify 'winners' and 'losers' in the field of job motivation. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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