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Procedural Justice in Community Law. Theses and Assumptions
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W razie wątpliwości co do stosowania i interpretacji przepisu, podmioty prawa zwracają się o bezstronne rozwiązanie do sądu, który występuje w roli arbitra. Judycjalizacja jest wynikiem procesu proliferacji prawa: jest coraz więcej przepisów prawnych, które regulują coraz to nowe dziedziny życia. Judycjalizacji i proliferacji prawa towarzyszy stały wzrost liczby sądów międzynarodowych. To rozprzestrzenianie się sądów połączone jest z ich deferencjacją funkcjonalną. (fragment tekstu)
Four ongoing processes have determined the choice of subject: judicalization, which describes the ever increasing role played by courts adjudicating cases generated by growing social conflicts; the proliferation of law - the growing numbers of legal regulations; the growing number of courts, and proceduralization. The author formulates the following research problems: in the face of the great variety of courts and regulations, how should procedure be constructed for it to be considered fair? How should laws and procedures be played out? In view of the close relationship between procedure and practice, is it important which element dominates? Two ideas make up the axiological framework for the author's analysis: humanitarism and justice. The author justifies his choice. The following maxim sums up his argumentation: Where there is procedure there is law. The author strives to create a proceedings model which would implement the postulate of procedural justice. His deliberations are based on three fundamental issues: the rule of equality under contradictory proceeding, guarantees involving the course of proceedings, and guarantees involved in executing the sentence. The challenge facing research in this field is to depict the evolution which the three groups of guarantees have been undergoing. (original abstract)
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