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Ownership Form and Effectiveness: a Review of Theoretical Analyses and Empirical Research
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Na podstawie literatury przedmiotu przedstawiono prywatyzację jako narzędzie poprawy efektywności. Ze względu na fakt, że wnioski z analiz teoretycznych i empirycznych są zróżnicowane i niejednoznaczne, związek pomiędzy prywatyzacją a efektywnością przedstawiono osobno dla krajów nie objętych transformacją i krajów Europy Środkowowschodniej.
Numerous economists and scientific reports have addressed the relationship between ownership form and management effectiveness. This relationship - underlying ownership transformations - is, however, complicated in nature and is strictly dependent on the environment in which it is analysed. The purpose of this article is to present theoretical conclusions and the results of empirical research on the relationships between ownership form and the level of effectiveness. In the first section, the author presents conclusions from theoretical analyses in which the impact of ownership form on the production and allocation effectiveness was discussed with consideration to the level of competitiveness of the environment and extent of regulation. In the second section, the author presents the results of empirical research, which most frequently confirm the positive impact of privatisation on the results achieved by enterprises. In post-socialist countries, however, the effectiveness-promoting outcomes of privatisation have depended on the introduction of financial discipline, the type of privatisation method used, and whether a defined level of ownership concentration is ensured.(original abstract)
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