Warianty tytułu
The Tax Wedge as a Barrier to Growth in the Polish Job Market
Języki publikacji
W pracy podjęto próbę ustalenia przyczyn wzrostu stopy bezrobocia w Polsce w latach 1992-2003. Dokonano analizy wpływu "klina podatkowego" na tworzenie nowych miejsc pracy.
The recovery of the Polish economy in 2003-2004 did not lead to an improvement in the job market situation mainly because from the beginning of the transformation period the employment rate had exhibited a downward trend. Most analysts and practitioners contend that the main cause of this situation is the high level of the "tax wedge", which is the difference between the labour cost incurred by the employer and an employee's net wages. According to Eurostat data, the "tax wedge" in Poland is one of the highest among EU countries. The high burden on labour in Poland discourages enterprises to hire new employees and makes them increasingly willing to introduce capital-intensive solutions.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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