Warianty tytułu
Trends in the Evolution of Public Aid in Light of Poland's Accession to the European Union
Języki publikacji
"Celem niniejszego opracowania jest przedstawienie koniecznych zmian jakościowych polityki pomocy publicznej w porównaniu z kwantytatywnym ujęciem dofinansowania przedsiębiorstw ze środków publicznych w roku poprzedzającym akcesję Polka z Unia Europejską."
The aim of this article is to present the necessary qualitative changes in the policy for granting public aid compared to the quantitative approach to co-financing enterprises using public funds in the year preceding Poland's accession to the European Union. The analysis of the process of granting public aid in Poland up to 2004 shows that not only was a comprehensive approach to these processes at the national level and in the context of the impact of aid on public expenditure lacking, but an evaluation of its effectiveness and efficiency was also absent. Public aid was concentrated above all on sector-based assistance to the mining industry, where in 2003 as much as 80% of general sector-based aid was directed, while at the same time it was lacking for regional development and horizontal activities. Poland's membership in the European Union requires fundamental changes in this regard, which mostly means reinforcing the competitiveness of Polish enterprises, supporting the economic development of regions, and re-orienting public aid from sector-based to horizontal aid, which is generally designed to help small and medium-sized enterprises modernise their business activities, implement new technologies and new management models, and create new jobs. Equally important is to cease restructuring processes, i.e.. to direct public aid not towards the maintenance of inefficient employment levels in unprofitable enterprises with significant surplus production capacity, but rather towards restructuring enterprises that are faced with the need to restructure but which are able to operate independently on the Single European Market. Polish public aid should be transformed into an instrument supporting socio-economic development that is equal to the challenges resulting from the internal and external conditions of the Polish economy. The correlation of Polish public aid policy with standards and trends in the European Union requires that the effectiveness of state aid be improved, which means making more effective use of the funds that fall under public aid.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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