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Celem artykułu jest uporządkowany przegląd zaproponowanych przez Sena rozwiązań instytucjonalnych dających się stosować w sytuacji ubóstwa i głodu. Rozwiązania te dotyczą sfery tzw. akcji społecznej, Definiowanej jako aktywność społeczeństwa, jedność i solidarność danej populacji i tych wszystkich, którzy są z nią związani na rzecz zabezpieczenia społecznego.
- Diouf J., [2000], Nawet jeden głodny, to o jednego za dużo, "Rzeczpospolita" nr 168 (5638)
- Dreze J., Sen A.K., [1989], Hunger and public action, WIDER Studies in Development Economics, Oxford, New York, Toronto and Melbourne: Oxford University Press, Clarendon Press
- Dreze J., Sen A.K., [1990a], The political economy of hunger. Volume 1. Entitlement and well-being, WIDER Studies in Development Economics, Oxford; New York; Toronto and Melbourne, Oxford University Press, Clarendon Press.
- Dreze J., Sen A.K., [1990b], The political economy of hunger. Volume 2. Famine prevention, WIDER Studies in Development Economics, Oxford; New York; Toronto and Melbourne, Oxford University Press, Clarendon Press.
- Dreze J., Sen A.K., [1991], The political economy of hunger. Volume 3. Endemic hunger, WIDER Studies in Development Economics, Oxford; New York; Toronto and Melbourne, Oxford University Press, Clarendon Press.
- Dreze J., Sen A.K., (red.), [1997], Indian development: Selected regional perspectives, Delhi; Oxford and New York, Oxford University Press.
- Dreze J., Sen A.K., Hussain A., [1995], The political economy of hunger: Selected essays, World Institute for Development Economics Research Studies in Development Economics, Oxford and New York, Oxford University Press, Clarendon Press.
- Hardin G., [1968], The tragedy of the commons, Science, vol. 162, pp. 1243-48.
- Junankar P.N., [1992], Hunger and public action. Book review, Economica, 59(233), 121-2
- Kapuścinski R., [1998], Heban, Czytelnik, Warszawa.
- Kowalska K., [2003], Teoria ubóstwa i głodu Amartyi Sena, Gospodarka Narodowa nr 3, s. 7-30
- Ravallion M., [1997], Famines and Economics, Journal of Economic Literature 35(3), s. 1205-1242, Secretary General's Report to the United Nations (1998), Security Council, 16 kwietnia 1998; http://www.un.org/.
- Sen A.K., [1976], Famines and Failures of Exchange Entitlements, Economic and Political Weekly, nr 11.
- Sen A.K., [1977], Starvation and Exchange Entitlements: A General Approach and Its Application to the Great Bengal Famine, Cambridge journal of Economics, nr 1.
- Sen A.K., [1981a], Poverty and Famines. An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1981.
- Sen A.K., [1981b], Ingredients of Famine Analysis: Availability and Entitlements, Quarterly Journal of Economics, nr 96(3), s. 433-64.
- Sen A.K., [1985], Commodities and Capabilities, North-Holland, Amsterdam.
- Sen A.K., [1991], Wars and Famines, On Divisions and Incentives, London School of Economics, Suntory Toyota International Centre for Economics and Related Disciplines, skrypt: DEP/33 październik (przedr. w: Isard i Anderton (1992)).
- Sen A.K., [1992], Inequality reexamined, New York, Russell Sage Foundation; Cambridge. Harvard University Press, wyd. pol; Sen, A.K. (2000), Nierówności. Dalsze rozważania, (tłum. I. Topińska), Znak, Kraków.
- Sen A.K., [1993], Capability and Well-Being, w: Nussbaum i Sen (1993), s. 30-54.
- Sen A.K., [1995], Economic Development and Social Change: India and China in Comparitive Perspectives, STICERD Discussion Paper Series DERP 67 (grudzień), London School of Economics, Londyn.
- Sen A.K., [1997a], Development Thinking at the Beginning of the 21st Century, STICERD Discussion Papers Series DERP/2 (marzec), London School of Economics, Londyn.
- Sen A.K., [1997b], What's the Point of a Development Strategy?, STICERD Discussion Papers Series DERP/3 (kwiecień), London School of Economics, Londyn.
- Szot E., [2000], Szatan ludzkości, "Rzeczpospolita" nr 168 (5638).
- World Bank, [1990], World Development Report 1990: Poverty, New York, Oxford University Press.
- World Bank, [1992], World Development Report 1992: Development and the Environment, New York, Oxford University Press.
- World Bank, [1993], World Development Report 1993: Investing in Health, New York, Oxford University Press.
- World Bank, [1994], World Development Report 1994: Infrastructure for Development, New York, Oxford University Press.
- World Bank, [1995], World Development Report 1995: Workers in an Integrating World, New York, Oxford University Press.
- World Bank, [1996], World Development Report 1996: From Plan to Market, New York, Oxford University Press.
- World Bank, [2000], World Development Report 2000/2001: Attacking Poverty, New York, Oxford University Press.
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