Warianty tytułu
Barriers to Economic Growth Resulting from Social Inequalities. Lessons for Poland from Theory and Global Experience
Języki publikacji
Zaprezentowano sporne diagnozy nierówności społecznych w skali światowej. Omówiono badania nad wewnątrz-krajowymi nierównościami oraz przedstawiono wpływ rozwoju kapitału ludzkiego na ograniczenie nierówności i ubóstwa w Polsce.
The methods and results of studies on social inequalities and their effects to date have not provided an authoritative basis for defining the barriers to economic growth resulting from these inequalities. Thus, a need exists to initiale a new research programme to examine the cost and income effects of social inequalities. Despite these problems, the author identifies the sources of cost effects resulting from inequalities in Poland and demonstrates that human capital development policy, oriented towards adapting the education system to deliver knowledge enabling action, could contribute to reducing barriers to economic growth resulting from social inequalities, poverty, and social exclusion. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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