Warianty tytułu
The social development level in the new administrative configuration of Poland
Języki publikacji
W publikacji przedstawiono taksonomiczną analizę przestrzennego zróżnicowania warunków życia ludności (a dokładniej warunków rozwoju społecznego) w Polsce w 1999 roku. Tematy poruszone w artykule: podstawy formalne badania poziomu rozwoju społecznego województw w Polsce, wybór cech diagnostycznych opisujących poziom rozwoju społecznego oraz wyniki porządkowania i klasyfikowania województw według poziomu ich rozwoju społecznego.
Space distinctly differentiates the living conditions of the population, due to the differentiation of numerous factors characterising the level of the development of particular regions. Mention is made of, i. a. technical and financial infrastructures as well social development. The new administrative division of Poland became the foundation for reflections pursued in the presented article, intent on verifying the hypothesis maintaining that a reduction of the number of voivodeships in Poland should contribute to decreasing the differentiation of the living conditions, and, more precisely, the conditions for social development. A taxonomic analysis, constituting an instrument for the verification of the proposed hypothesis, refers to the level of the social development of sixteen voivodeships in Poland in 1999. The analysis madę use of the synthetic yardstick of development, built upon the basis of unitarisation, when the process of normalisation runs a separate course for the stimulants and de-stimulants distinguished among the 31 variables describing the level of the social development of particular voivodeships.By utilising the analysis outcome presented in Taksonomia struktur w badaniach regionalnych (The Taxonomy of Structures in Regional Studies, ed. by D. Strahl), and dealing with the level of social development in 40 voivodeships, the author concluded that the differentiation of living conditions of the population of Poland has slightiy decreased as regards the level of social development within the new administrative division of the country. (original abstract)
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