Warianty tytułu
A Critique of the Methodological Assumptions of the BCG Portfolio Technique
Języki publikacji
Metoda portfelowa, stosowana w praktyce gospodarczej jako narzędzie analizy strategicznej i operacyjnej budzi wiele kontrowersji. W artykule podjęto próbę zaprezentowania krytycznych rozważań poświęconych temu zagadnieniu. Zadaniem pracy jest wskazanie metodologicznych niejasności dotyczących analizy portfelowej.
Within the ongoing debate in the literature on various methodological aspects of the portfolio method, in this article the author offers a critical examination of the issue, indicating the methodological ambiguities of this method based on criticisms of Boston Consulting Group techniques. The author considers this method on the basis of scientific method by defining elements that should be included, i.e., scope of reality, language, technique, insight, and purpose of the research. Next, the author addresses the identified areas of methodological critique of aspects of the BCG technique, among others, difficulties in defining the market and business, measuring market share, problems with dividing variables for different levels of quality, controversies over register construction, the appearance of negative change values on the market, analysis stability, and the subjective nature of analysis results. The main part of the article is a polemic with the criticisms voiced in the literature and a presentation of the author's own position on the foregoing issues. (original abstract)
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