Warianty tytułu
The Costs and Benefits of Integrating Less Economically Developed Countries. Selected Aspects
Języki publikacji
Omówiono przesłanki i motywy integracji europejskiej. Przedstawiono etapy poszerzania Unii Europejskiej. Przeanalizowano zmiany jakie zaszły w krajach słabiej rozwiniętych gospodarczo po przystąpieniu do Europejskiej Wspólnoty Gospodarczej.
At present, integration processes are common. The phenomena occurring in Europe have led to the creation of a high-level organisational structure. The successive stages of integration and the accession of various countries to the European Union have given rise to undeniable costs and benefits. The main reason for involving states in the process of co-operation was a desire to accelerate economic development and to solve development problems thanks to assistance from a larger organisation with better organisational instruments at its disposal. In this article, the author analyses the costs and benefits of integrating less economically developed countries. She focuses on the accession of Ireland, Greece, Spain and Portugal to the European Union and analyses the main economic indicators. These countries were undoubtedly examples of states with considerably lower levels of economic development. Their accession was associated with numerous short and long-term costs. In a broader perspective, however, they have benefited from EU membership by increasing their general level of economic development, which can be shown using the relevant indicators. An analysis of previous negotiation problems, the economic situation of less-developed countries and membership costs, may prove helpful in drawing conclusions and solving potential problems in later enlargements, with particular attention to the specific features of each candidate state. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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