Warianty tytułu
Is EU's Policing Potential Under the Common Foreign and Security Policy an Element of Foreign Policy or an Internal Security Instrument?
Języki publikacji
W artykule opisano siły policyjne jako instrument polityki zagranicznej Unii Europejskiej. Przedstawiono również determinanty międzyfilarowego charakteru zdolności policyjnych oraz rozwój zdolności policyjnych w ujęciu bezpieczeńtwa wewnętrznego.
The development of the policing potential of the EU in international missions and the political implications related to it demonstrate the existence of elements belonging to the third pillar, i.e. justice and home affairs. The author argues that police actions under EU policing operations stem from the EU's own internal security interests, defined within the area of "justice and home affairs". The author seeks to answer the following questions: Is the EU's policing potential an element of foreign policy or is it an internal security instrument of the Union itself? Is the pillar structure in the EU adequate to the situation, since the dividing line between internal and external security is becoming blurred? Can these two areas of European Union policy still be treated separately?(original abstract)
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