Warianty tytułu
Development Forecasts for the Enamel Industry in Poland
Języki publikacji
W ostatnich latach obserwuje się w świecie silny trend odchodzenia od produkcji wyrobów emaliowanych. W artykule omówiono badania ankietowe preferencji konsumentów odnośnie używanych w gospodarstwie domowym wyrobów emaliowanych oraz analizę przyczyn matowienia i ciemnienia powłok emalierskich.
In recent year a strong tendency to depart from the production of enamel goods has been observed in the world. In order to analyse a possibility to come back in Poland to enamel goods that were once much asked for by consumers because of many very favourable properties, questionnaire surveys were carried out. These surveys have proven that the Polish market awaits from the industry new design propositions for dishes and other domestic appliances. Enamel goods satisfying definite physicochemical and esthetic requirements of a contemporary consumer can possibly fill that gap. The carried out microscopic examination as well as the use for the purpose of the study of infrared spectrometry have made it possible to diagnose the causes of serious defects which occur in enamels and which must be eliminated to make goods coated with these enamels competitive on the market. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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