Warianty tytułu
The principle of pro rata division in credit consortium
Języki publikacji
Kredytowanie konsorcjalne to wspólne udzielenie kredytu (dokonanie transakcji kredytowej) prze kilka banków, na zasadniczo jednolitych warunkach. Banki zawiązują konsorcjum kredytowe w celu zorganizowania współpracy w zakresie wspólnie udzielanego finansowania. W artykule przybliżono zagadnienie zasady proporcjonalnego podziału i redystrybucji wierzytelności kredytowych.
The principle of pro rata division is a typical quality of the credit consortium in the form developed in the euromarket. In line with this principle all the amounts obtained by a consortium member from the repayment of credit liabilities in a way different than the one agreed in a credit agreement (i.e. first of all, with omission of the agent) should be immediately redistributed between other lending institutions. The re-distribution is carried out by a consortium agent and is aimed at the pro rata repayment of all the consortium members from gross inflows received by such a member. The above principle is a logical supplement of the rule of pro rata involvement of members as well as a special role of an agent acting as an intermediary in the settlements between the parties to credit transaction. This allows for levelling out the position of the banks in respect of income from the security. The pro rata division principle evolved in the 2nd half of the 20th century, and its present form has been mostly influenced by the incidents taking place during the Iran crisis and the Falklands war. As a rule, the consortium agreements provide for the mechanism, in line with which the repaid lending institution can acquire from the remaining banks a part of credit liabilities equal to the amount of funds passed on to be redistributed. In the euromarket practice, the structure of transfer and subrogation - statutory (art. 518 § 1 point 1 of the Civil Code) and contractual (art. 518 § 1 point 3 of the Civil Code) - are used for this purpose. The application of both structures raises certain difficulties in the Polish law and the purchase of credit liabilities in the redistribution process may result in disturbing the pro rata share of the banks in the consortium funding.
- Encyclopedia of Banking Law, Division F, International Banking Operations, Loan Syndication, publikacja w formie elektronicznej, Butterworths 2002, § (5000].
- P. Gabriel: Legal Aspects of Syndicated Loans. London 1986, s. 2.
- P. Kwiatkowski: Światowy rynek kredytów konsorcjalnych - struktura, organizacja oraz wycena transakcji. Warszawa 1995, s. 25 i nast.
- R. Pastusiak, M. Wypych: Kredyt konsorcjalny - wybrane zagadnienia. "Prawo Bankowe" nr 2/1997, s. 107 i nast.
- Syndicated Lending. Practice and documentation (ed. T. Rhodes). Euromoney 1996, s, 13-16.
- P.R. Wood: International Loans, Bonds and Securities Regulation. London 1995, s. 90.
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