Warianty tytułu
Ecological Food
Języki publikacji
Prawidłowa dieta jest powszechnie uznawana za jeden z ważniejszych czynników warunkujących zdrowie. Uważa się, że ludzkie zdrowie zależy w 54% od stylu życia, w tym od sposobu żywienia oraz 21% procent od warunków środowiskowych, które wpływają także na jakość żywności. Jakość żywności jest uwarunkowana m.in. stopniem skażenia środowiska, odpowiednim postępowaniem na każdym etapie produkcji oraz właściwą dla każdego produktu wartością odżywczą.
A proper diet is commonly considered to be one of the most important factors determining good health. Scientists are of the opinion that the condition of our health depends on the lifestyle, including the kind of food we eat, and on the environment, which also affects the quality of food, the percentage contribution of these factors being 54% and 21 % respectively. Ecological food helps us enjoy better health and feel more comfortable. According to IFOAM standards, ecological agriculture is a set of various detailed concepts concerning agricultural practices, being in accordance with the requirements of the soil, plants and animals, and its primary goal is to produce high-quality food and at the same time to maintain the best possible biological balance in the natural environment. West European communities, anxious about the greater and greater degradation and overproduction in agriculture, press for changes in the agricultural policy. In that situation the governments of many countries (Austria, Denmark, Switzerland) prepare and introduce programmes to develop ecological and integrated agriculture. Ecological agriculture is a chance for Polish agriculture, which at present is not competitive for other West European countries, as it has not attained the adequately high level of intensification. A poor degree of mechanization and a specific agrarian structure can be an advantage to our farmers if they decide in favour of the ecological production. Food from ecological farms is healthy, having a number of nutritious and sensory virtues. It is also safer (less nitrates and nitrites, pesticides, toxic elements). The products contain more vitamin C, total sugars, protein and minerals. The assortment of ecological food grows wider and wider and although the prices of these products are rather high, they arouse much interest. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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