Warianty tytułu
Ukraine's Banking System in the 1991-1999 Period. A General Outline of Creation and Development Issues
Języki publikacji
W artykule podjęto próbę przybliżenia tematyki rozwoju i tworzenia systemu finansowego Ukrainy. Przedstawiono dynamikę rozwoju systemu bankowego w latach 1991-1999, a także przeanalizowano zjawiska w nim zachodzące.
In embarking on its economic transformation process as an independent state, Ukraine faced an array of tasks, including the creation of its own, independent financial system. The financial system has to reflect the needs of the market economy. One of the necessary conditions for carrying out systemic reform was the organization of its own, two-level banking system as an important link in a financial system equal to the requirements of the new macroeconomic situation. The article describes the shaping and development of the banking system in Ukraine from 1991 to 1999 and presents the main legislative Solutions to regulate banking system operations. The author proposes development stages of the banking system against the background of the general economic situation and describes the operations of the Ukrainian central bank. Hę also presents selected data on commercial banks. In the conclusion, the author emphasizes that the external environment has a significant impact on the situation of the Ukrainian banking system. Negative factors such as, e.g., the low level of economic monetisation and low level of households' trust in banking institutions contribute to the weakening of the banking system. Continuation of market reforms is the sine qua non for improvement of the banking system. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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