Warianty tytułu
The Principles for Target Market Selection by Mutual Insurance Societies in Poland
Języki publikacji
W artykule przeprowadzono analizę działalności Towarzystw Ubezpieczeń Wzajemnych (TUW) na obszarze rynek -produkt, dzięki której można zidentyfikować ich przewagi (słabości) konkurencyjne. W pracy omówiono specyfikę rozwoju TUW w Polsce i wybranych krajach.
One of the fundamental problems that must be addressed when initiating economic activity is identification of the target market, i.e., the market on which the enterprise wishes to operate. The goal of this paper is to analyse the operations of Mutual Insurance Societies (MIS) with respect to the market-product sphere. In particular, the paper should help potential MIS analyse and anticipate opportunities for action with respect to selecting target markets and - consequently - determining strategies of action. The paper comprises the following sections:
- theoretical and methodological issues associated with the selection of target markets,
- an outline of MIS specifics,
- a comparative analysis of MIS in Poland and in selected countries around the world,
- analysis of target markets for Polish MIS,
- summary and findings. (original abstract)
- theoretical and methodological issues associated with the selection of target markets,
- an outline of MIS specifics,
- a comparative analysis of MIS in Poland and in selected countries around the world,
- analysis of target markets for Polish MIS,
- summary and findings. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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