Tytuł artykułu
Warianty tytułu
Cultural Aspects of Knowledge Management
Języki publikacji
Przedstawiono przyczyny zróżnicowania kulturowego w korporacjach transnarodowych. Omówiono modele zarządzania personelem w międzykulturowych otoczeniu.
Contemporary transnational corporations, operating worldwide, are seeking to obtain maximum advantages both from economies of scale and from the different background and experience of their subsidiaries in the era of globalization. They normally utilize a geocentric approach in their staffing policy, which means that they try to employ the best managers regardless of the managers' country of origin. Multicultural teams are perceived as a source of knowledge and innovative creation. However, research shows that this cannot be achieved automatically. It is proved that to obtain advantages from cultural diversity certain conditions have to be fulfilled. First of all special managerial skills are required to stimulate and encourage knowledge sharing, exchange of ideas and free discussion of opinion. If the organizational culture and management system cannot assure such conditions, cultural diversity can be a barrier instead of an incentive in knowledge creation and dissemination. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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- Thomas D.A., Ely R.J., Making Differences Matter: A New Paradigm for Managing Diversity, „Harvard Business Review", 1996, September-October,
- Von Pierer H., The Cornered CEO, „Newsweek", Special Issues 2004, December 2003-February 2004.
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