Tytuł artykułu
Warianty tytułu
Data Base for Regional Benchmarking
Języki publikacji
Autorka przedstawiła znaczenie i cel budowy baz wskaźników do benchamrkingu regionalnego. Dalej zaprezentowała wybrane wskaźniki benchmarkingu regionalnego i podała wnioski.
The objective of the article is to present possibilities of using benchmarking principles in regional research. The basis for the research has become the potential of data base and indicators' base with reference to many regional characteristics, presented in the study. The described resources of the selected bases allow for establishing the benchmarking objective, indicating key variables or indicators which make up the basis for conducting analysis. They subsequently enable defining the best regions and patterns in order to replicate good practices. Establishing the schedule of activities which aims at eliminating gaps between regions may consist in working out a strategy of implementing and monitoring the results of conducted activities by taking advantage of information and indicators resulting from the analysis of data base. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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