Tytuł artykułu
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Science and Innovation Policy in Chose EU's Countries
Języki publikacji
Przedstawiono nakłady na badania i rozwój w krajach Unii Europejskiej, Japonii i w stanach Zjednoczonych. Więcej miejsca poświęcono finansowaniu badań naukowych w Finlandii i na Węgrzech.
The strategic goal of the European Union, which was set in Lisbon in March 2000, is "to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion". An ambitious plan of catching up the rest of the Triad members, especially the United States of America, foresees to achieve output on R&D at level of 3% of GDP reached in the European Union until 2010. There are 25 countries in enlarged the European Union at the moment. The performance of EU consists of national economies' achievements. Some countries are leaders, some - especially new members - should catch up a long distance. This situation is a challenge to their national economic policies. The examples of Finland and Hungary's science and innovation policy are introduced. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Balogh T., Hungarian Experiences with R& D and Innovation Policy, Trend Chart Policy Workshop, Brussels, 27-28 April 2004.
- Bylicki A., Boguta M., Polityka naukowa, badawcza i rozwojowa Unii Europejskiej, Fundacja im. W. Świętosławskiego, Gliwice 1998.
- Havas A., Innovation policy in six candidate countries: The challenges. Innovation policy profile: Hungary, ADE, September 2001.
- Lubacz J. (red.), W drodze do społeczeństwa informacyjnego, Instytut Problemów Współczesnej Cywilizacji, Warszawa 1999.
- Lipiński J., Sławiński A. (red.), Gospodarka polska przed wejściem do Unii Europejskiej, Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, Warszawa 2003.
- Nauka i technika w 2002 r., GUS, Warszawa 2004.
- Special Issue on "New Rationale and Approaches in Technology and Innovation Policy", Featuring papers from a Conference jointly organized by the OECD and the Austrian Government, held in Vienna on 30-31 May 1997, Science Technology Industry Review, No. 22, OECD 1998.
- Statistics on Science and Technology in Europe 2003, Eurostat.
- Źródła internetowe:
- Arnold E., Boakholt P., de la Mothe J., Deiaco E., McKibbon S., Simmonds P., Stroyan J., Innovation and Research Governance in Finland, www. (12.06.2004, godz. 19.04).
- (15.06.2004, godz. 17.08).
- (16.06.2004).
Typ dokumentu
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