Warianty tytułu
Managing the Life Cycles of Institutional Customers
Języki publikacji
Zadaniem opracowania jest prezentacja koncepcji marketingu partnerskiego na rynku przedsiębiorstw oraz procesu kształtowania relacji z klientem. W pierwszej części podjęto próbę uzasadnienia wdrażania koncepcji marketingu partnerskiego wobec nabywców. Druga część pracy poświęcona została prezentacji ewolucji stosunków przedsiębiorstwa z odbiorcą indywidualnym.
Companies operating in the industrial market who view partnership in marketing as a means of achieving durable competitive advantage ought to be mindful of proper relations with its customers at its earliest time. With a foreknowledge of factors limiting the possibilities of establishing long-term relations with some given customers as well as development patterns of economic relations companies ought to consciously manage the portfolios of their key customers while guaranteeing itself basis for future development in doing so. Building strategic partnership relations is a long-term process and as should be noted expensive though not unconnected with high risks. The process involves two independent entities existing in their own n changing market environments. That is why appropriate attempts at establishing partnerships are seen as dynamic. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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