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Formulating Strategic Goals in Managing Polish Enterprises
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Autor scharakteryzował różne podejścia (mikroekonomiczne, menedżerskie, organizacyjne i związane z zarządzaniem strategicznym) do określania celów przedsiębiorstwa. Następnie zaprezentował badania empiryczne celów strategicznych w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwem (na przykładzie wyróżniających się polskich przedsiębiorstw oraz przedsiębiorstw stanowiących krytyczne przypadki, czyli takich, które procesy formułowania celów wsparły ekspertyzą zewnętrzną). Na ich podstawie skonstruował procedurę i narzędzia formułowania tychże celów.
The aim of the studies was to answer an essential question: what is the system of strategic goals of an enterprise and how can this system of goals be formulated? An approach to this problem required a reconstruction of the hitherto existing theoretical work in the field of the system of strategic goals of an enterprise done by the authors representing different scientific disciplines and heterogeneous approaches. It also called for an empirical diagnosis of strategic goals declared by outstanding Polish enterprises as well as conditions and ways of formulating them by some Polish enterprises. Finally it required the designing of static and dynamic model of the system of strategic goals of any enterprise. Such an approach was based on conviction that the already existing work in this field concentrated above all on cognitive matters and neglected the design-implementation problems. Assuming a scientific viewpoint characteristic for the theory of organisation and management made it possible to balance these three strata of scientific exploration and yielded practically viable results. Generally, it can be stated that the scientific procedure made it possible to realise the objectives intended. The results obtained refer to three areas: theoretical-analytical, empirical and design-implementation. Theoretical-analytical investigations focussed on a characteristics of the existing knowledge of the subject. In these considerations the authors tried to present reconstruction of the basic concepts representing microeconomic, managerial and organisational approaches as well as those related to strategic management. It was pointed out that the authors who respected the assumptions of the microeconomic approach tried to prove the existence of a universal economic necessity resulting from free competition and a tendency to rationalise the use of the factors of production. The state of internal equilibrium which enterprises try to achieve forces the preference either for the maximisation of profit or the maximisation of the rate of profit. Those who represent the managerial approach reject the assumption that there exists the only one goal in the activities of an enterprise. They maintain that the enterprise's activity is steered by bundles of goals out of which one can differentiate not more than one particularly preferred goal while others are treated as marginal conditions for its realisation. An essential matter is a construction of a model of decision-making analysis composed of a relatively few variables which can be subject to operationalisation. This results in the use of almost exclusively financial parameters which by assumption reflect qualitative tendencies. The supporters of organisational approach underline the assumption that each enterprise should be perceived as an organised team of people which, in a natural way, makes it strive for more than one aim. The aims are not imposed or enforced externally on the enterprises but they are subject to social processes of formulation. A great number of entities involved in this formulation and the tendency to ensure the internal coherence of the bundle of these goals call for determination of both qualitative and quantitative goals. The former perform social-mobilising functions and the latter - steering-monitoring functions. In this situation the bundle of an enterprise's goals should assume a form of hierarchic system. Finally, supporters of the strategic management approach emphasise the importance of situational conditionings of the system of goals in an enterprise connected, above all, with the structure of influence of the most important stakeholders on managerial decisions. Their approval of concretely formulated goals is easier to obtain if the formulation of the system of strategic goals of an enterprise starts from most general intentions concretised later in a more and more operational formula. The further step of research was of empirical character. The studies were carried out on two different planes. Firstly, the author tried to find out whether and if so what intentions are declared by the best Polish enterprises. Secondly, the author analysed what strategic goals were formulated and how it was made in the enterprises which tried to use highly rational methodological procedures. The first plane of research employed the method of surveying the enterprises classified as the best ones in the Polish economy by Business Centre Club, Confederation of Polish Employers and a group of winners of the "Zloty Grosz" competition. The second plane employs the method of studying critical cases, that is enterprises precisely developing data bases for the decisions concerning strategic goals and specially preparing decision-makers to make a choice. Empirical studies made it possible to state that major part of enterprises identify strategic goals with the intentions of growth. The intentions to find a secure competitive position are of much lessesignificance. Obtaining high profits is of marginal importance. However, studies on the critical cases prove that the relevance of these strategic intentions dependson the structure of interests concentrated around a concrete enterprise and that it may evolve in time. It was also stated that profits were most frequently perceived as factors conditioning the attainment of other strategic goals. Such a point of view rendered a significant conclusion - the goals forcing higher effectiveness of utilising the factors of production should not be mixed up with the measures of realisation of any goals. Theoretical and empirical analyses made it possible to try to attain the goals in the design-implementation sphere. A peculiar "map" of analytical categories which constitute the system of strategic goals of an enterprise was constructed and a methodological procedure which facilitated attributing of concrete contents to particular analytical categories was presented. Declaring an enterprise's mission was connected above all with SWOT and stakeholders' analyses. A heuristic process of discovering the vision of an enterprise was presented along with possibilities to use the matrix of confrontation of the SWOT factors and the graph of dependencies between potential qualitative strategic goals and the table of impact of these dependencies to determine qualitative goals - the main one and derivatives of the first and second degree and also there were presented the techniques of analysis of the semantic content of qualitative goals and the analysis of the area of reception of the economic indicators to select the measures of realisation of the strategic goals of an enterprise. In conclusion, one can state that the basic assumption of this work, i.e. the necessity to supplement the knowledge of strategic goals of an enterprise with design-implementation elements proved to be correct. Out of the existing theoretical knowledge and practical experience of the Polish enterprises it was possible to draw the conclusions which are helpful in the development of directives of efficient functioning, referring, m this case to the formulation of the system of strategic goals of any enterprise. One can hope that the application of the presented methodological procedure in the economic practice will contribute to the growth of effectiveness in enterprises' activities and development. (original abstract)
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