Warianty tytułu
Company Strategies on the International Market in the Era of Globalisation
Języki publikacji
W pracy omówiono główne modele strategii przedsiębiorstwa, które funkcjonują na rynku międzynarodowym. Są to modele opracowane w ramach tradycyjnych i racjonalistycznych podejść, stosowanych w zarządzaniu strategicznym.
Globalisation is being accompanied by an increase in the complexity and uncertainty of the business and financial mediation environment, rendering current strategic management methods inadequate. The increase in complexity and uncertainly of the environment due to globalisation poses acute challenges for strategic planning. Existing planning and strategic analysis methods. which assume the opportunity to select the most probable alternatives, can no longer be applied. The purpose of this article is to review the main models for developing a strategy for a company operating on the international market. It foremost includes models prepared under the traditional, rationalist approaches used in strategic management. Due to the significance of those models, and the fact that they are not very well known among Polish theoreticians and practitioners. however, the review is useful both for continued theoretical discussion as well as for practical application. A review of the trends in the evolution of these models - including new directions in strategic management theory, including, in particular, planning methods based on the concept of the learning organization and the resulting scenario method applied in the management of enterprises operating on the international market - complements this review of traditional models. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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