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Przedstawiono wyniki badania opartego na danych z lat 1999-2002 ze 107 państw na wszystkich poziomach rozwoju. Dotyczyło ono systemów bankowych. Wyniki pozwalają stwierdzić negatywny wpływ ograniczania działalności banków na ich rozwój i stabilność.
- J. Barth, G. Jr. Caprio, R. Levine (2002): Bank Regulation And Supervision: What Works Best? Working Paper 9323, NBER.
- J. Barth, G. Jr. Caprio, R. Levine: Banking Systems Around the Globe: Do Regulations and Ownership Affect Performance and Stability? W: F.S. Mishkin (ed.): Prudential Supervision: What Works and What Doesn't. University of Chicago Press, 2001.
- T. Beck, A. Demirguc-Kunt, R. Levine (2002): Law and Finance: why Does Legal Origin Matter? NBER Working Paper No. w9379.
- T. Beck, A. Demirguc-Kunt, R. Levine (2002): Law, Endowments, and Finance. NBER Working Paper No. w 9089;
- A.N. Berger, R.J. Herring, G. P. Szego (1995): The Role of Capital in Financial Institutions. "Journal of Banking and Finance" 19, s. 257-276;
- J. Blum (1999): Do Capital Adequacy Requirements Reduce Risks in Banking? "Journal of Banking & Finance" 23, s. 755-771.
- J. H. Boyd, C. Chang, B. D. Smith (1998): Moral Hazard Under Commercial and Universal Banking. "Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking" 30 (3.2), s. 426-468.
- G. Jr. Caprio, R. Martinez (2000): Avoiding Disaster: Policies to Reduce the Risk of Banking Crises. World Bank mimeo and Egyptian Center for Economic Studies Working Paper No. 47.
- S. Claessens, D. Klingebiel: Competition and Scope of Activities in Financial Services. Washington D. C. World Bank, mimeo, April 2000.
- M. Dewatripont, J. Tirole (1994): The Prudential Regulation of Banks. Cambridge, MIT Press.
- S. Djankov, R. La Porta, F. Lopez-de-Silanes, A. Shleifer (2002): The Regulation of Entry. "Quarterly Journal of Economics", 117, s. 1-37
- W. Easterly, R. Levine (2002): Tropics, Germs, and Crops: How Endowments Influence Economic Development. NBER Working Paper No. w9106.
- C. Goodhart (2000): The Organisational Structure of Banking Supervision. Financial Stability Institute Occasional Paper, November.
- A. Greenspan (1998): The Role of Capital in Optimal Banking Supervision and Regulation. W: Federal Reserve Bank of New York: Financial Services at the Crossroads: Capital Regulation in the Twenty-First Century. Proceedings of a Conference. FRBNY Economic Policy Review 4: 3, October.
- K. John, T. A. John, A. Saunders (1994): Universal Banking and Firm Risk Taking. "Journal of Banking and Finance" 18, s. 307-23.
- M.C. Keeley, F. T. Furlong (1990): A Reexamination of Mean-Variance Analysis of Bank Capital Regulations. "Journal of Banking and Finance" 14, s. 69-84.
- D. Kim, A.M. Santomero (1988): Risk in Banking and Capital Regulation. "Journal of Finance" 35, s. 1219-1233;
- M. Koehn, A. M. Santomero (1980): Regulation of Bank Capital and Portfolio Risk. "Journal of Finance" 35, s. 1235-1250;
- R. La Porta, F. Lopez-de-Silanes, A. Shleifer, R. W. Vishny (1998): Law and Finance. "Journal of Political Economy" 106 (6), s. 1113-1155;
- D. Landes (1998): The Wealth and Poverty of Nations. New York, NY, W. W. Norton;
- Podstawowe zasady efektywnego nadzoru bankowego (1997), Bazylejski Komitet ds. Nadzoru Bankowego.
- M. Quintyn, M. Taylor (2002): Regulatory and Supervisory Independence and Financial Stability. International Monetary Fund Working Paper No. 02/46, March.
- A. Shleifer, R. Vishny (1998): The Grabbing Hand: Government Pathologies and their Cures. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
- R. Stulz, R. Williamson (2001): Culture, openness, and finance. NBER Working Paper No. w8222.
- K. Zalega (2002): Law as a determinant of corporate finance development. A survey of 1996-2002 selected research results. Argumenta Oeconomica, Wydawnictwo AE we Wrocławiu.
- K. Zalega (2003): Nadzór bankowy i corporate governance a konkurencyjność sektora bankowego. "Bank i Kredyt" nr 7.
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