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Przedmiotem artykułu jest badanie, jakie jest efektywne obciążenie podatkiem dochodu z działalności inwestycyjnej w Polsce. W tym celu zastosowana została metoda analizy krańcowej stopy efektywnego opodatkowania dochodu, zaproponowana przez [M. Kinga i D. Fullertona, 1984], a oparta na neoklasycznej koncepcji kosztu użycia kapitału, opracowanej przez [R. Halla i D. Jorgensona, 1967].
- Alworth J.S., Fritz W, [1998], Capital mobility, the cost of capital under certainty and effective tax rates in Europe, "Finnish Economic Papers", 1988, nr 1.
- Baker & McKenzie, [1999], Survey of the effective tax burden in the European Union, Amsterdam
- Boadway R.W., [1987], The theory and measurement of effective tax rates, [w:] J.M. Mintz, D.D. Purvis (red.), The impact of taxation on business activity, praca zbiorowa, John Deutsch Institute of the Study of Economic Policy, Kingston, Ontario.
- Bradford D.F., Don Fullerton, [1981], Pitfalls in the construction and use of effective tax rates, [w:] C.R. Hulten (red.), Depreciation, inflation and the taxation of income from capital, The Urban Institute Press, Washington.
- Bradford D.F., Stuart C., [1986], Issues in the measurement and interpretation of effective tax rates, "National Tax Journal", 1986 (vol. 39), nr 3.
- Buijink W., Boudewijn J., Schols Y., [1999], Corporate effective tax rates in the European Union, final report of a study commissioned by the Ministry of Finance in the Netherlands, Maastricht Accounting and Auditing Research and Education Center, Maastricht.
- Dunn D.D., Pellechio A., [1990], Analyzing taxes on business income with the marginal effective tax rate model, World Bank Discussion Papers, nr 79, The World Bank, Washington.
- Feldstein M., Dicks-Mireaux L., Poterba J., [1983], The effective tax rate and the pretax rate of return, NBER Working Paper Series, nr 0740, The National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge 1981; przedruk w: "Journal of Public Economics", 1983, nr 2 (vol. 21).
- Fullerton D., [1986], The use of effective tax rates in tax policy, "National Tax Journal", 1986 (vol. 36), nr 3.
- Fullerton D., [1979], Which effective tax rate?, "National Tax Journal", 1979 (vol. 32), nr 4, s. 445-470; przedruk w: NBER Working Paper Series, nr 1123, The National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge 1983.
- Hall R.E., Jorgenson D.W., [1967], Tax policy and investment, behavior, "American Economic Review", 1967, vol. 57.
- King M.A., Fullerton D. (red.), [1984], The taxation of income from capital: A comparative study of the U.S., U.K., Sweden, and West Germany, praca zbiorowa, The University Of Chicago Press, Chicago.
- Pellechio A,J., [1986], Comparison of the income statement and King-Fullerton methods for computing marginal effective tax rates, The World Bank, Washington.
- Pellechio A.J., Sicat G.P., Dunn D.D., [1987], Effective tax rates under varying tax incentives. DRD Discussion Paper, Report No. DRD262, The World Bank, Washington.
- Rimbaux E., [1996], Marginal effective tax rates in retrospect: 1970-1995, "Public Finance", 1996 (vol. 51), nr 1.
- Taxing profits in a global economy: Domestic and international issues, [1991], Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris.
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