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A Study of the Determination of Quality in the Case of Enamel Products
Języki publikacji
Celem pracy było przedstawienie kształtowania jakości wyrobów emaliowanych na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań ankietowych w zakresie wymagań stawianych różnym wyrobom emaliowanym; badań laboratoryjnych pozwalających określić mechanizm tworzenia struktury emalii, a w efekcie określić możliwości sterowania poziomem cech użytkowych tej powłoki; szczegółowej i wielokrotnej analizy wyników z wykorzystaniem programów komputerowych. Rezultaty pracy w postaci opracowania wzorców jakości dla poszczególnych wyrobów emaliowanych, akceptowanych przez użytkowników oraz zaproponowany system sterowania jakością mają charakter poznawczy, ale mogą być przydatne dla producentów wyrobów emaliowanych. Nabywcom zaś mogą zapewnić ofertę bogatego asortymentu wyrobów o oczekiwanej przez nich jakości.
Anti-corrosion enamel protection is a technique which is currently being employed on a wide scale, both in the form of coatings in domestic household products and in many modern technical metal products. Due to the scale of domestic production of enamel products, achieving optimal quality for such products is a very important issue. However, the scale of technical and economic problems encountered in Poland is considerable. The descriptive part of this paper is based on an analysis of current specialist literature, both at home and abroad, the latter being mainly German and American in origin. The empirical part, on the other hand, offers a description and analysis of the research results, from which emerges a proposed procedure for the quality management of enamel products. The author's basic objective was to study the quality of enamel products based on research. At the outset, he accepted that such a study should be comprised of two parts, namely: identification of the expectations of customers of enamel products, development of a quality management system for these products. This objective was achieved through survey research, laboratory research and an in-depth and multi-faceted analysis of results with the help of computer programmes. The survey covered highly-skilled employees in the enamel industry, and assessed the importance of functional features for selected groups of enamel products. Expert knowledge appeared especially valuable in relation to the new products. On account of the unfavourable technological and economic situation of Polish firms mentioned earlier, the survey respondents were interested in preserving an objective stance in their assessments. Concerned primarily with economic benefits, the author tries to classify different enamel products into homogenous groups. With this aim in mind, the author makes use of the Euclidian distance concept and variance analysis. However, it turns out that certain types of enamel products (due to the conditions of their use) are highly specific in character, and thus it is impossible to group different enamel products into homogenous groups. The objective of the laboratory tests, which try to measure the impact of the chemical composition of enamels on their selected functional properties and to identify the possibilities for quality management of enamel products through the deliberate shaping of the microstructure of such coatings, is to determine whether enamel manufacturers can meet the demands of the users of the products in question. The research material consisted of enamels of varying qualitative and quantitative composition. The contraction in the number of enamels researched and functional properties tested allowed the author to carry out a model analysis of the research results. The microstructure of the selected enamels was then studied with the help of a scanning electron microscope. It was assumed that the structure of enamel is determined by chemical reactions between the enamel's components and that this has a decisive impact on the functionality of this coating. With the help of the scanning electron microscope (SEM), the author specified the total number of pores and measured the diameters of these pores. It turns out that enamels with a high number of pores but very small dimensions are characterised by the highest chemical and mechanical resistance. Based on the above-mentioned laboratory research, the author performed a series of mathematical calculations using the weighted regression method. These calculations were used to construct tables in which the author presents predicted levels of the properties of enamel coatings, which depend on the chemical composition of these coatings. This research and its results are presented in a later part of the study in the form of so-called Gibbs Triangles. A third way in which the results of this study are presented, i.e., with regard to predicting the quality of enamel depending on its chemical composition, is the optimalization table. Such a table allows enamels to be selected rationally according to their intended use. In the final part of this study, the author discusses the economic aspects of enamel product quality and presents his conclusions on this matter. The most important economic issues related to the problems addressed in this paper include: the proper identification of customer needs; the launch of products on the market that are competitive in relation to those of foreign firms - especially with regard to quality and price; the need to take into account economic factors in the production cycle as a whole; the introduction of original and secondary innovations; accurate analysis of the quality costs of products; and the need to take into account a product quality management system when designing strategies. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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