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The Review of Quality Orientations in Development Process of the Information System
Języki publikacji
Artykuł dotyczy zagadnień zarządzania jakością w procesie tworzenia systemu informatycznego. Dokonano przeglądu szkół projakościowego podejścia w procesie tworzenia systemu informatycznego. Przedstawiono także elementy zarządzania przez jakość (TQM) i zarządzania wiedzą.
The modern market makes highquality demands for designer of an information system. The quality of an information system depends on its development process. The article concerns issues of quality management in development process in the information system. The aim of this article is a presentation of the changes in the area of assurequalityu of the information system. The analysis of an evolution of the quality orientations in the development process of an information system has been presented. Moreover, the new opportunities of improving the quality of an information system have been showed still in its early development. It is possible to gain by applying a user-contered perspective in quality management in information technology projects. The elements of total quality management (TQM) and knowledge management have been presented. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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