Warianty tytułu
Methods of Commercial Bank's Evaluation
Języki publikacji
Podkreślono znaczenie wyników działalności banków dla wielu grup odbiorców. Przedstawiono zagadnienie wyboru metody analizy i modelu banku. Omówiono rolę rankingów w ustaleniu wzajemnych pozycji banków względem siebie. Zwrócono uwagę, że analizy i oceny banków komercyjnych są niejednokrotnie obarczone błędami wynikającymi m.in. z niedoskonałości materiałów źródłowych, eksponowania wyłącznie ilościowych aspektów oceny, uznaniowości w ustalaniu wag poszczególnych mierników.
Bank's activities results are important to many consumer groups that can be divided into internal consumers (bank's management) and external (administrative authorities, Bank's Supervision Board, Banks' Guarantee Fund, shareholders and bank's customers). Individual recipients are interested in many aspects of bank's activities. This influences analysis range, research periods. Choice of indicators and resource information. In literature there are numerous methods of evaluating banks' activities with ideas of R. Szewczyk, B. Chełmiäska and Wł. L. Jaworski as examples. Bank's standing evaluation can not depend only on comparable economic indicators characterizing among others profitability, cash flow and bank's solvency. Bank's size, its specialization as well as management quality, staff culture and ability to co-ordinate main operation aims: profitability and safety should also been taken into consideration. Ranks constitute an element of bank's evaluation. Because of the ranks they can not substitute the analysis conducted by the banks, but they can be a source of some additional information on bank's growth prospects. Commercial Banks' analysis are often mistaken because of imperfect source materials, exposing only quantity aspects of evaluation, adjustable settlement of individual standards etc. In spite of these drawback the analysis allow to obtain essential information concerning commercial banks' standing.(original abstract)
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