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Ecological Changes as a Basic Economic Instrument of Environmental Protection in Poland
Języki publikacji
Opłaty ekologiczne stanowią podstawowy instrument ekonomiczny ochrony środowiska w Polsce. Pełnią dwie zasadnicze funkcje: motywacyjną i funduszową. Funkcja motywacyjna polega na stymulowaniu działań przedsiębiortsw. O roli funduszowej opłat stanowi gromadzenie odpowiednich środków na działalność inwestycyjną w zakresie ochrony środowiska. W artykule omówiono podstawy prawne pobierania i gromadzenia opłat za gospodarcze korzystanie ze środowiska, zanalizowano kształtowanie się opłat ekologicznych w Polsce w latach 1989-1998 oraz wskazano przewidywane tendencje na przyszłość.
The basic principle of ecological policy "the polluter pays" is a practical attempt to internalise external costs linked with utilisation of natural resources. External effects in the form of environmental pollution and economic losses connected with this result from imperfections of the market as regards its allocation functions which can be eliminated through state intervention by means of adequate instruments. One of the basic tools of environmental protection is the charges for economic utilisation of the natural resources. These charges fulfil two basic functions, being incentives and funds. The incentive role of charges consists in motivating the economic entities to reduce the level of pollution. The fund function of these charges means raising the financial means for environmental protection (redistribution of those means is a separate economic instrument). In Poland the years 1989-1998 witnessed a steady increase of ecological charges. In result of multiple re-valorisation ecological charges in Poland belong to the highest in the world. Very few countries have such a long list of substances the charges are paid for. A steady increase in the unit rates of charges for the economic utilisation of the environment as well as a decreasing share of revenues from the charges and fines in the general financial means of NFOSiGW (National Fund for Environment Protection and Water Economy) is responsible for the fact that the fund function becomes less significant and the motivating function becomes a basic economic instrument of environmental protection. In the nearest future one can expect further (although slightly exceeding the inflation level) growth of the ecological charges. Simultaneously thanks to the fact that enterprises carry out some investment activities in the field of environmental protection, a decline in the volume of polluting emission is expected. These two processes can bring the volume of charges closer to the level which wil
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