Warianty tytułu
Comments on Some Draft Regulations on Consumer Rights
Języki publikacji
Artykuł zawiera zmienioną wersję opinii do projektu ustawy o ochronie konsumentów i ustawy o umowach zawieranych poza lokalem przedsiębiorstwa lub na odległość oraz o zmianie ustaw: Kodeks cywilny, Kodeks postępowania cywilnego i Kodeks wykroczeń, wykonaną na zlecenie Biura Studiów i Ekspertyz Kancelarii Sejmu.
The paper is an analysis of the Government draft Act on agreements concluded outside the company's registered office and changes to the Acts: the Civil code, the Code of civil proceedings and the Code of minor offences which were presented to Parliament on 26 February 1999. The draft Acts aim at adjusting the Polish consumer rights to the EU standards in the scope of agreements concluded outside the company's registered office (directive 85/577), distance agreements (directive 97/7), unacceptable agreement clauses (directive 93/13) and product liability (directive 85/374). The first two types of agreements, unlike the two latter ones, are not to be included in the Civil Code. Unacceptable agreement clauses enforce changes in the Code of civil proceedings in the scope of recognising a specimen agreement unacceptable. Failure to comply with certain regulations in this area, and in the case of agreements concluded outside the company's registered office, necessitate changes in the Code of minor offences. The author approves of the directions of changes proposed in the draft Acts and the necessity to adjust the Polish consumer rights to the EU standards, but she also expresses some critical remarks. They mainly refer to the fact that the Polish consumer rights adjusted to the European standards are to be included in the Civil Code. The author believes that consumer rights, casuistry, informative and educational in character, should not be included in the Civil Code. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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