Warianty tytułu
Identification of Organization Changes in a Firm
Języki publikacji
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wybranych definicji wyjaśniających pojęcie zmiany organizacyjnej, wskazanie jakie czynniki obecnie wywołują zmiany w przedsiębiorstwach. Zaprezentowano również wybrane fragmenty badań pilotażowych dokonanych w kilku firmach prywatnych i państwowych dla wskazania rodzajów zmian występujących w tych przedsiębiorstwach.
The introduction of changes is an important condition of existence and development of each firm, and even a symptom of its vitality and the creative approach of the management and the staff. At present, at the time of accelerated transformation of the economy, changes play various roles. They can serve adaptation or - most often - innovation. The aim of the paper is to present selected definitions explaining the variously understood notion of an organization change, and show the factors which initiate the present changes in enterprises. The paper also includes fragments of a pilot survey done in several private and stateowned firms in Cracow. The survey has made it possible to determine the kind of organization changes introduced in those enterprises. The paper also deals with: - the firlds being a challenge to both the management and the staff, aimed at the introduction of changes improving the effectiveness of the whole or a selected part of the system that an enterprise is, - approaches used for identification and introduction of organization changes, - typology of organization changes according to the literature and resulting from the pilot survey, - determination of the connections between the organization changes and the processes of firm restructuring. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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